Friday, December 2, 2011

Thing 22 of 23 Things: Keepin' it Together: Livebinders

For Thing 22, we are to create an account in and explore LiveBinders.  From the description on APSU 23 Things, it sounds a lot like Pinterest--which I am head-over-heels in love! I'm writing this blog post as I go through the website.

Creating an account is easy--it's just like any other online account setup. LiveBinders sets up your first binder for you, equipped with everything you need to know about LiveBinder basics. When you create your own binders, you can group them by bookshelves, just as on Pinterest, you can organize your pins by pinboards. .
Let me take a step back and say that when I first started the education program at APSU, we created electronic portfolios of our work on a website called LiveText. (I like the common vital stat in LiveText and LiveBinder!) The idea of having an electronic porfolio sounded so neat to me. I envisioned my future employer clicking through my portfolio during my interview. Not only would I have my Philosophy of Education stored there, but sample lesson plans as well. Everything would be just a mouse-click away.

This semester, however, we found out that we would  no longer have our portfolios as part of our LiveText account. Many students were relieved to not have to complete one. I, on the other hand, was disappointed. What was I going to do now? I Googled other e-portfolio related websites, but wasn't very satisfied with what I found. Now, thanks to Dr. Anne Wall, I have been introduced to LiveBinders! One of the sample binders listed in LiveBinders Basics is an ePortfolio which I quickly clicked on!

I plan on using LiveBinders beginning now in my teaching career. Starting with this exercise, we are to create at least three binders for education purposes. Mine are 1) ePortfolio, 2) Lesson Plans, and 3) Lesson Plans/Activities for Inspiration in the Classroom. Here is the third one:

You have the option of filling in your binder using Google. That's what I did with the third one just to see what it would do. I thought I could delete what I didn't like afterwards. You have to try it, if you haven't yet. I did a search for Elementary Art Lesson Plans and it auto-tabbed several websites that I already love! Amazing!

I like that you can keep your binders private or make them public. You can also create a passkey so that only people with permission can view your binders. I also plan on using LiveBinders with my students! I can store online research sources for my students to access when needed. I'll also store art related Web 2.0 Tools and games for students to access when they are finished with their work. Oh...the possibilities really are endless! Well, I'm dying to go play with LiveBinders some more, so.....see you next post!

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